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Брутфорс- программа для взлома аккаунтов WOW Инструкции и скрины внутри! Скачать одним файлом: brut.rar.html
Спидхаки:Luciferc HackPack V1.0 –хак пак типа Вов эму oengine speed hack - спидхак WoWEmuHacker5_Finalspeed hack- всем известный Спидхак Инструкции и скрины внутри!Скачать одним файлом: speed.rar.html
Чит работает на версии 2.4.3! А точнее не чит, а фильтр пргограммы
WpePro для дюпа вещей в WOW 2.4.3. Для клонирования вещей вам
понадобится WpePro, если у вас его еще нет, тогда советую СКАЧАТЬ, и сам фильтр для етой прграммы. Внутри архива есть инструкция в формате .doc, в которой написано что и как делать, ну и сам фильтр. ВНИМАНИЕ!
Работает не на всех серверах! Проверял лично! Дюпал таким способом
баджи! Советую поюзать ;) (с) админ сайта www.alenej.net Скачать фильтр! Скачать WpePro (Если у Вас его еще нет :))
описание * Noclip (like Noclip in any other game Recommended for Flyingmounts only)
* Collision (Collision size, setting it to 0 will make it possible to
go into the most narrow places you have ever dreamt of, and by just
toggling it you can walk in the air, almost like flying) * Track (track whatever you want) * Velocity (Jump higher or lower) * SuperSlowFall (A slowfall where you can control what way you want to go and also jump while flying) * Wallclimb (walk very, very, very… steep walls) * Float (holding down Numpad 5 will make you float through air, if you release it you fall down again) * TeleClip (holding down Numpad 8 will clip you forward, if there are any walls you will go through them)
* TeleHackZ (Pressing [Numpad 7] will instantlly port you up in the air
in a controllable altitude and pressing [Numpad 4] will port you down.
This can be used to get through high buildings like Karazhan in a
matter of secounds and can also be used to kite bosses and kill them
Solo) * Time (set the time) * TimeSpeed (set the speed of time) * Airwalk (keep moving at the same height) * FlyThrough (enable flying and nothing is solid anymore) * Safelanding (Affaraid to fall down and die SafeLanding will make sure that you don’t kill yourself by fall damage.)
* M2Move (Move around any object ingame with your cursor. Just put your
cursor over the object you want to move, pic it up and move it, this
can be used to remove obstacles blocking your way like doors, walls or
anything else.) * M2Remove (Removes all current loaded object
from the game making it possible to walk almost anywhere, if you run
around in a forest you can forexample now avoid all trees, stones while
other players and even Mobs will have to run around them as normal)
* M2Flat (Flat outall current loaded object, so you still can see it
but walk right through it. This is also quite fun to look at) * WMOremove (Remove all WMO objects current loaded, this is forexample Buildings or any indoor enviroment.) * CamZ (Control camera Zoom, allowing you to zoom out as much as you want) * CamFov (Set the camera’s Field Of View allowing you to see around you which gives you an advantage in PVP) * CamRotZ (Allows you to change the z-rotation of the camera) * Char_Alpha (Change your transparency making it easier to to fight while the camera is close)
* Char_Scale (Scale you char to any size, this can also be quite nifty
if you want to have a better overview over the battle.)
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Последняя версия WEH - final. Добавлены новые функции + телепорт лист. WoW Emu Hacker v5.0 Final -> World Of Warcraft если хотите изменить картинку в чите, просто в папке WEHBGS переименуйте файлы с bg на BG1B, и с BG1B на bg.
Этот спид хак для любых версий WOW, в нем есть функция обхода антиспид хака так что юзайте
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